Sunday, March 1, 2015

Appreciate Beauty Everyday – The Foundation of Ageless Beauty Embodiment

Do you wake up in the morning and notice something beautiful right away ?The color of the sky- even in the dark – you may see stars, the moon, clouds, the tracery of trees, city lights....Do you have something beautiful in your room to look at first thing in the morning and the last thing at night?
Do you have a ritual to begin your morning? A beautiful mug or cup and saucer for your morning drink? Some time to yourself – to be quiet or to dance to music while plugged into your Mp3 player? To journal, meditate, knit, crochet, draw, color, look at pictures, cuddle a pet, go for a walk, watch the sunrise...?
Do you dress yourself in clothes that feel beautiful? Colors that you love? A ring or piece of jewelry you can look at and appreciate throughout the day?
Do you notice the beauty around you ? There is beauty wherever there is life. In nature- look out the window – even in the busiest city can you at least glimpse the sky? If not, look around you- can you see any beautiful objects? If not, can you add something beautiful to your surroundings (in addition to beautiful you!).
Beauty is not an “add-on” to life- it is what makes life worth living. Appreciating beauty feels good!
If you are new to my blog, please look at some of my earlier posts about Appreciating Beauty Everyday. You may get some ideas about adding Beauty to your life!
Here are some photos of what my world has been looking like this last week of February!The "Jack Frost" on my Garden Room windows is different every morning! And a video on today's topic -Appreciate Beauty Everyday.
I would love to hear how you feel about appreciating beauty.Please comment below or send me your reflections!

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